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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I'm Qualified To Be An Author For The Journal De Montreal...I Am Great At Making Stuff Up!

The article Posted by Le Journal De Montreal was yet another tabloidesque half brained attempt at getting the public's attention. This attack on Kovalev spanned over the whole sports section and made me question the integrity, competence, motivation and mental state of the Journal authors.

Those of you who read the full four pages of smut have undoubtedly noticed that they clearly state they were unable to confirm the story. Yes you heard me, the author (let us refer to him as the donkey from here on end) admit to the fact that they were unable to confirm the legitemacy of this "interview". The donkey goes on to say that since he was unable to confirm the story with his counterpart donkey who "transcribed" the "interview" in Russia, it must be a conspiracy and cover up. Yup...first it was the Anglophones in Quebec, then the rest of Canada now its Russia that is conspiring against the French. I'm fairly certain Zimbabwe has been scheming against us and I don't trust the penguins in Antarctice either. Get a life.

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