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Thursday, November 1, 2007


MNation I have disturbing news…HLD is sick :(. Yeah, you heard me right, and the day shall be spent on the couch, hopped up on Nyquill or Dayquill or whatever, watching TV and passing in and out of consciousness. Good thing I have a cable box, because today I will absorb more TV than I normally do in a week, and so I need good channels to keep me entertained. I suppose it’s a good day to finally check out MenTV and SpikeTV and Speed and maybe a little bit of FoodTV (yeah…I like cooking…it can be manly…SHUT UP!!). Here I am dragging on and on again. They weren’t kidding when they said the pills would make me drowsy…..

On to hockey. I am looking forward to the HABS showing some character and coming out tonight with a vengeance given their sub-par performance from Tuesday. Furthermore, we’re playing against a team that is hot, and dishing out a loss to the Pliers might go a long way in breaking their momentum so they don’t get too far ahead. I’m also looking forward to a solid game by Huet, after having sat on the bench for two games in a row. He should be well prepared for this one.

To booooo, or not to booooo, that is th question. The big news for tonight I suppose is Briere’s first visit to the Bell Center. Following his antics this summer in the UFA market auction, he knew he would be damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t. Fact of the matter is, he had a choice between Montreal and Philly. He would have been praised as a hero in Montreal, but he got more money in Philly. For those of you who keep writing that there was less money in Philly, I should note at this point that you are more delusion than Tom Cruise and his beloved Scientologists who believe our spirits are those of aliens who were mass murdered on our planet by an Alien dictator called Xenu (don’t believe me about the story…wikipedia Xenu). With the advent of taxes and contract length and structures, Briere will be getting almost double of what he would have had in Montreal had he signed the dotted lines with Bob. He had a chance to be the hero he idolised growing up as a kid (what Montreal kid doesn’t play hockey dreaming of playing for the HABS one day?). If someone walked up to him when he was in the juniors, before he became a superstar, and offered a job playing for the HABS, he probably would have cried from joy and lost control of his bladder. However, now he is who he is, and he had the teams chasing him in the UFA market.

To help make my point, I would like to quote from the movie Spiderman: “With great power, comes great responsibility”. It’s easy to act and preach virtuous, but an individuals true colors come out when all the chips are on their end of the table. We can argue about the media, personal choices and public statements, but the fact of the mater is, that day he had two contracts in front of him, one offered his boyhood dream and the other a big contract. The amazing diving Briere’s shallow personality was apparent on the ice, and on ice personality is usually in tandem with real life/social personality, so we should not, and are not surprised of his decision. However, he did make his choice, and made his bed, and tonight I hope the Bell Center boo are clearing their throats, and keeping their lungs healthy, cause I say chase the diving, lying, money grabbing Pinocchio they call Briere out of the building and out of our beloved die hard HABS fan town.

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