I bet most of you thought Crazy Cat Suit Man had lost his touch and led us astray when the score was 3-0 for the Caps. Then I’m sure most of you thought, he was just taking us for a ride and making things exciting when we came back to 3-2. I suppose these same people thought they were being optimistic and that we really were going to loose when the Caps scored their fourth, and see-sawed back to the winning bandwagon when we tied it in the dying second of the third. I bet most of you still think Crazy Cat Suit Man was wrong following the loss to the Washington Ovechkin’s. Well think again. We rallied back into over-time and got a point out of it. ¾ points on a home and away series is anything but a defeat.
Love them or hate them, the Montreal fan base usually have some “beef” with superstars. Whether it be Lecavalier, Crosby, Chara, etc…, as Montréalers we hate any star who makes life miserable for our local team and boo the heck out of them. With the Ovechkin show on at full tilt last night, I found it hard to dislike the guy. He is so involved and so excited about his team, he reminds me of my days playing pond hockey with the neighborhood kids. His joy and excitement after each goal is a non arrogant, child waking up on Christmas morning kind of energizing exhilaration. In today’s league full of overpaid lazy millionaires posing as hockey players, it’s refreshing to see one of the top paid player show the same enthusiasm on the ice as the fans show in the stands. Out of all the “super-stars” in the league, not only is he one of the few who will keep playing after a busted lip, stitches and a broken nose (at least we punished him), but he is the only player for whom I truly wish a long and healthy career. With Ovechkin’s exemplary behavior at the All-Star game, it won’t be long before he gains significant good will with North-American hockey fans, especially with Crosby slowly turning into an arrogant self-loving, self-promoting snob under the “guidance” and “mentoring” of the biggest self-loving arrogant cry-baby Michelle Terrien.
With my overdue respects paid to Ovechkin, let me bring everyone back to the NL standings, and point our that following results of other games last night, we gained ground on everyone around us and above us, with the exception of Boston who is still 2NL and 5 points behind. Ottawa is on a slide and we could very well be finishing the Super Bowl weekend within 0.5 NL. I still believe finishing the weekend with ¾ points would suffice as a great victory for our now tired HABS, but one thing is for sure: following last night’s tapes, the Islanders will be fore-checking and hitting hard, and our frustrated lines will come out hungry to get back on the score card. It should be an exciting game on Saturday.
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