MN Scoreboard

MN Scoreboard

NL Standings

NL Standings

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Well it was almost a clan sweep, but a sweep none the less. The best thing we can hope for now is to face the emotionally shattered Bruins in the playoffs for an “easy” first round match-up.

The home and home series proved to be fruitful, at a cost. We further expanded our lead over the Sens to 1.5 NL, and we’re within 0.5 (1NL with tie breaking) from first in the conference. A win Monday night would not only clinch a playoff birth for our boys, but would be a huge emotional victory over the cursed Sens. It would further increase our lead to 2.5 NL and we would be that much closer to MN DIVISION, which is the number two priority for us after MN PLAYOFFS.

The cost for all of this was Mike Komisarek, He’s out for three weeks and it doesn’t take a genius (especially after last night’s performance on D) to figure out how much of an impact this will have on us. The up side to all this is that some of our younger guys will have more responsibility to deal with and a chance to mature and develop prior to the playoffs. Unless I recall, a certain Mike Komisarek went through a similar process and never left the first line. This injury could potentially yield dividends in the long run, however in the short term I hope Mike comes back asap, but not before he is 100%, because I anticipate we will need him into the second and third rounds of the playoffs. Anyone else think Pens vs HABS is a possibility for the Conference final?

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