After Monday’s performance where the team didn’t feel like playing till the third period, with the exception of a hand full of solid performances in the offensive zone, perhaps the hated evil Booins is what this locker room needs to ignite the fires. On one hand one would think if the team that eliminated us in the playoffs isn’t enough to get the blood boiling, no team will. On the other hand, the Booins have been one of these teams that always got us going. We always show up for those games and this has been apparent by our post-season record of eliminating them three times in a row, and winning the regular season exchanges over the past few seasons hands down.
The Booins are out for revenge and are desperate for a win against the CH. This is our best weapon against this overzealous team that took a preseason game of playing vets against our Hamilton Bulldogs waaaaay to seriously and rejoiced over it for far too long. A little shallow and sad if you ask me, but all that matters now is racking up the “W”s. A win tonight would go along way in re-iterating our dominance over the Booins and will place a doubt in the back of their minds that will follow them for the rest of the season when the play the Bleu Blanc et Rouge.
Over and above the reasons stated above, this win is important for a few other reasons. Here are some I could think of:
1) It would be great to get the first home win under our belts and out of the way.
2) I like watching the HABS win
3) Buffalo is ahead of us in NL standings and with a loss to them it would be great to regain the Division title on the MN leaderboard and the points leaderboard.
4) It’s fun to watch the HABS win
5) We must stay in close range with the Rangers. We don’t want them going off to a 10-15 point lead on the rest of the Conference. With their current confidence level, they need someone biting on their heals and keeping them worried and down to earth and second guessing. The HABS are the most likely team to accomplish this right now.
6) I want to see the HABS win
I will be watching our PP very closely and will hope for a 50% success rate tonight to get things rolling again.
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