MN Scoreboard

MN Scoreboard

NL Standings

NL Standings

Saturday, October 6, 2007


It seems fitting that our first Saturday game of the year will be against the Maple Leafs. This should lead to an exciting game and an exciting beginning to the series.

Two games into the season, the Leafs are already plagued with drama and controversies. This of course is inevitable when a team of 40+ years of failure struts around with a culture of entitlement and never really admits to resembling a circus full of monkeys in jerseys more than the hockey team they pretend to be. At this point even a significant portion of their fans (based on online forums and news paper articles) have admitted to requiring a complete overhaul. That of course is difficult when you have major contracts committed to several players who really don’t deserve that kind of money. In this new age of salary-capped NHL teams, a GM must be vigilant and intelligent; neither of which can be said about JFJ. For us HABS fans, this presents valuable entertainment and we sure hope he remains in power or many many many years to come.

My predictions for the night:

1) Tucker renews his rivalry with his water bottle, and they go for round two (my money is on the bottle)

2) Toscraft or Raycala continue their dominant performance is the “how many pucks can I let in” game.

3) Refs continue organising parades to and parties in the penalty box, and Carbo does his …well you know what he does :D

4) HABS win and the Leafs fans and media blame the refs, earth’s gravitational pull and oil prices.

More on the game tomorrow…

PS Let us all rejoice in the MN dropping another point following the games last night!

PPS Don't forget to repeat yesterday's prayer one more time before the game!

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