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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Tonight's game against the Maple turds has more meaning than just two points. The Montreal Canadiens are facing some adversity, in that they have given up well deserved points in the dying minutes of a game, in more than one game. 15 games into the season the concern on everyone's minds is continuing the high level of performance early in the game, and to somehow carry this on till the end.

Recent press shows that:
1) These vulcher haven't found any new dirt on Kovalev.
2) The coach and the team are all on the same page as to the main problem faced by the team.

Being on the same wavelength with respect to identifying a problem is one thing, but finding a solution and implementing it while keeping consensus throughout the locker room is a whole other ball game. Carbonneau will need to convince the team about the decisions made by the coaching staff in order to address the issue. He will need to make them believe that this "new" approach will mitigate the problem in order to motivate players to implement it with intensity.

When asked about my views on humanity in general and the world we have created for our selves, my favourite answer is that "man is an ugly ape, with nails long enough to scratch his kahunas, and teeth strong enough to bite his nails". No one can soundly challenge the fact that Guy has learned and improved as a coach since last year, but tonight we'll see if he has learnt the harder lessons. Is he still biting his nails, or has he learnt to control his primary reaction and urges, see the bigger picture, and behave in an appropriate manner that is better for the greater good instead of his “id”.

Personally, I would like to believe that tonight’s game will be another notch in Carbo’s career as a coach. I believe we take this game from the beginning all the way to the end, and win a convincing game without praying on our knees till the final whistle.

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