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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

90% Will Get The Job Done...Most Of The Time

"Beginning the game strong and fading away after 5 minutes will not do it. "

My fellow MNers, please join hands and pray with me. Oh mighty Sponge Bob, we thank you for blessing us with an astute General Manager to sign this moody magician we call Kovalev. And oh holy Sponge Bob thank you for using your grand powers to ensure this Russian Rifle had a mighty heart last night. If we hadn't scored within 30 seconds of the Leafs goal, despite our magnificent start we would have once again faded away for the rest of the game, leading to yet another spanking by the anti-bobs playing from the west. Oh our all mighty Sponge Bob, in return for this bounty we offer you two dozen sacrificial souls who await you at the Air Canada Center. Granted, they are Maple Leafs so they're not much, but the whole roster should add up to something worthy of you troubles.

[QUOTE=Habs_Lovin'_Dag]Abby will have to bring his A game ... And by A I mean attentive. No softies, and don't let in the first goal on their first couple of shots[/QUOTE]

FAIL! And what a failure by Abby in his role. Since Huets injury he had two huge chances to establish him self as the number 1 goalie, and failed spectacularly at it. As has been pointed out earlier in the page by mighty Sponge Bob's disciple HTL, he has not been able to regain his form from earlier in the season. He had a few chances to steal the #1 spot from Huet beginning with Huets diminished performance in late December. Sure he was benched, and was cold, but that's hardly am excuse. When you're a back-up, you sit out unless the top guy looses his mojo or gets injured. You practice, stay sharp and prove your self when you get your chances. Case in point, remember how Huet stole the job from his counter part last year? He had his chances and failed. He is a good back-up goalie and from the looks of it will finish it there.

All that to say, cue Halak. And what better way to really establish him self with another win tonight?

"Everybody will have to be at their best, do their jobs properly and keep it up for 60 minutes...twice in two days. "

The majority of the team was grinding at 110% last night. A few brain farts in our end lead to a few turn-overs which created a few momentum shifts. But that's OK because for the most part we were quick to take control of the game back in our hands with a good shift by the 4th line, or a good PK, or a great individual effort by our impact players (thank you Sponge Bob).

Let's not celebrate just yet though. We have another big game tonight, and we have to get two more points. We're still out of the picture in NL standings, and if we want to jump in the brew, we must hold our NL at and hope the other teams pick up a few NLs.

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